

1/140 2017年徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克奖(LOBA)大奖公布,来自挪威的摄影师Terje Abusdal凭借作品Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》获得2017年徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克奖,并获2万5千欧元及徕卡M相机和镜头。

2/140 “徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”(LOBA)仅限专业摄影师参与评选。 所有参赛作品须拍摄于2016-2017年间或至少有一幅长期项目类作品拍摄于2016-2017年间。每位参赛者只能提交一组作品。 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

3/140 “徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克新人奖”对所有专业或有潜力的新人摄影师开放,投递作品时年龄在25岁及以下。由国际评审委员会授予专业摄影师 “徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”及“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克新人奖”。Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

4/140 主竞赛单元“徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖”的获胜者将获得2.5万欧元现金奖励和价值约1万欧元的徕卡M相机及镜头。 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

5/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

6/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

7/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

8/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

9/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

10/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

11/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

12/140 Terje Abusdal丨Slash&Burn《刀耕火种》

13/140 2017年徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克奖(LOBA)大奖公布,乌克兰摄影师Sergey Melnitchenko凭借中国题材作品Behind the scenes《幕后》获新人奖,并获得1万欧元和徕卡M相机和镜头。

14/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

15/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

16/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

17/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

18/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

19/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

20/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

21/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

22/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

23/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

24/140 Sergey Melnitchenko丨Behind the scenes《幕后》

25/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: ,,Drowning World“

26/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

27/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

28/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

29/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

30/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

31/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

32/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

33/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

34/140 Gideon Mendel, South Africa: „Drowning World“

35/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

36/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

37/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

38/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

39/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

40/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

41/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

42/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

43/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

44/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

45/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

46/140 Clara Chichin, France: „Under the eyes that few minutes exhaust“

47/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

48/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

49/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

50/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

51/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

52/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

53/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

54/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

55/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

56/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

57/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

58/140 Yoann Cimier, Tunisia: „Nomad's Land“

59/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

60/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

61/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

62/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

63/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

64/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

65/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

66/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

67/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

68/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

69/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

70/140 Ekaterina Sevrouk, Germany: „Fremd bin ich eingezogen“

71/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

72/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

73/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

74/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

75/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

76/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

77/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

78/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

79/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

80/140 Dominic Nahr, Switzerland: „Fallout“

81/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

82/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

83/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

84/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

85/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

86/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

87/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

88/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

89/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

90/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

91/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

92/140 Emilien Urbano, France: „War of a Forgotten Nation“

93/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

94/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

95/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

96/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

97/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

98/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

99/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

100/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

101/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

102/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

103/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

104/140 Viktoria Sorochinski, Ukraine: „Lands of No-Return“

105/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

106/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

107/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

108/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

109/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

110/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

111/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

112/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: „Accidentally on Purpose“

113/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: ,,Accidentally on Purpose“

114/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: ,,Accidentally on Purpose“

115/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: ,,Accidentally on Purpose“

116/140 Vera Torok, Hungary: ,,Accidentally on Purpose“

117/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

118/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

119/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

120/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

121/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

122/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

123/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

124/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

125/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

126/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

127/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

128/140 Aleksey Kondratyev, Kyrgyzstan: ,,Ice Fishers“

129/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

130/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

131/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

132/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

133/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

134/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

135/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

136/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

137/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

138/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

139/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“

140/140 Patrick Willocq, France: ,,You cannot pick a stone with one finger“
